viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011


La siempre lucida Triffany Hammod, directora de TrifFX nos explica como los operadores sin presionarse tienen que ser capaces de poder justificar sus comercios. Descubralo aquí como siempre en TUTORES-FX:

My son is 11 years old and has been in the “Why?” stage for about 10 years. Even if you’re not a parent, I know you’ve experienced, or heard of, the “Why?” stage of development. Children ask “Why?” at everything…when I say everything…I’m NOT speaking in hyperbole…I mean EVER-Y-THING.

“Time for dinner, come eat!!”

“Let’s clean that scrape and get a bandage on it.”

“No, ambulances don’t grow up to be fire trucks.”

My child is simply trying to make sense of his world: Is what you’re telling me to do a matter of survival? Or is it a societal expectation? Is it for my comfort…or yours?

....Cada vez que un alumno me pregunta por qué realizar un trading u otro o por qué elijo este apoyo con algún nivel de resistencia... me veo obligada a examinar mis opciones. Para ser honesta, seria muy tentador decir: "Porque esa es la manera de hacerlo."; pero no es lo correcto….tengo que ser capaz de justificar mis decisiones de trading....

Over the years my son’s “Why?” has morphed and matured into other forms of the same inquiry: “Why couldn’t you do it this way?” “What does it mean that someone reacted this way?” “I thought you said in this situation it was best to do this.”He’s not being insolent – he’s a VERY literal thinker and because of that he’s constantly categorizing, defining and redefining his life experience.

While the fact that he doesn’t ever take anything for granted and just accept what is can be exhausting, his questions actually serve as an incredible reminder to me to examine my decisions, my habits, my routine….my assumptions. There have been many, many times that his simple, innocent questions have illuminated better options than just doing what I had always done.

I face a similar examination of my paradigm as a forex teacher. Every time a student asks me why I take one trade over another or why I choose this support and resistance level over that one…I’m forced to examine my choices.

To be honest, it is very tempting to say, “Because that’s just the way I do it.” But that’s a cop out. I need to be able to justify my trading choices (read: life choices) at every turn. I owe it to myself to fully understand my motivations and my inspirations.
If you had to justify every trade you take to an inquisitive mind…would you still take each one?

Triffany Hammond